Gross Regional Domestic Product of Rokan Hulu Regency by Expenditure 2016-2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rokan Hulu Regency

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Gross Regional Domestic Product of Rokan Hulu Regency by Expenditure 2016-2020

Catalog Number : 9302023.1407
Publication Number : 14070.2103
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-5462-62-7
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : April 29, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 6.26 MB


Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) is an economic data set that can be used to evaluate the performance of economic development in a region (province and district / city). This data set can also be used for other purposes and purposes, such as the basis for developing economic models in order to formulate policies, velocity of money, financial sector deepening, tax determination, export studies and imports and so on.
According to macroeconomic theory, the calculation of GRDP can be done through three approaches, namely: the production / supply approach (GRDP by Field
Business / industry), the final expenditure / demand approach (GRDP according to expenditure) and the income approach (PDRB according to income / income). The three calculation approaches will theoretically produce the same GRDP figure.
This publication deals specifically with GRDP according to the final expenditure / demand approach. This approach is broken down into several components,
namely: Household Consumption Expenditures, Consumption Expenditures for Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households, Government Consumption Expenditures, Investments (Gross Fixed Capital Formation and Inventory Changes) and Net Exports. The GRDP data in this publication and subsequent publications use the 2010 base year, and have applied the concept of the 2008 System of National Accounts recommended by the United Nations.
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